people use common phrases incorrectly it bugs me. Today I heard a guy use talk
the talk and walk the walk like they were the same thing. They are not. Walking the walk means that you back up what
you say with actions. Just silly.
People who
think gaming is just Mario and Call of Duty. You’d be upset if I said movies
were just Bond and chick flicks wouldn’t you? It’s just annoying, nothing
serious though.
When a person
thinks rap is only about violence, drugs, and sex. Go listen to Macklemore. Do
I guess
I really just think that stereotypes are pet peeves. There has got to be
something else that bothers me… Puns. Puns piss me right off.
that know they are leading on a guy and continue to do it. Same goes for guys
there are try-hards. These people have their place. In my opinion that is
Ranked play in whatever game they are playing. If you are playing unranked.
Relax. People are not there to win, they are there to play and have fun. I’m a
super try hard in ranked games, I’ll admit, but unranked/ not serious games,
just have some fun.
This just makes me cringe |
Cringe, but laugh your face off at the same time.