Saturday, December 22, 2012

Imatai Siga. (First Day)

               OK, I’m copping out. Like hardcore. I’m doing a stupid ole’ blog challenge thingy. Why? Because I honestly think that it’ll help me actually write here consistently if I have pre-determined topics to talk about. So let’s get this going. For anyone who’s interested the link to said challenge is here. So let’s get into it.
               Basic things about me.
               Name: Jonathan James Tollestrup
               Age: Twenty
               Citizenship: Canada/USA 
               Date of Birth: October 30th 1992
               Height: 5 feet 9 inches

               … I could go on like this for quite some time, but seriously everyone that reads this knows me already. So let’s to something a little less basic. Just in case any of you dorks forgot though…

               I’m a competitive person, I think everyone knows that. Even in a game as silly and not serious at all as Mario Kart. I’m there to win. That’s one of the big things that makes things fun for me. Having something to measure myself up against to see where I am. Winning is also fun. In case you were wondering, it’s a lot of fun.
               Stubbornness is another word I’d use to describe myself. A stubborn competitor can be one of the worst kinds of people to have around when you’re playing games of any sort. If they (me) start off poorly and are losing, you’re going to see something called tilt. This is where I get really frustrated with a game but refuse to simply quit, I keep playing until I win. The longer that takes, the more agonizing it is for everyone around me. I am working on that though, accepting losses is an important part of life. I mean, even Pro-gamers rarely boast a win rate of 60% and up, so they have to accept loss as well.

               I speak three languages, one quite well and two pretty terribly. I speak Sarcasm extraordinarily well, but English and Fijian are pretty tough for me. Still I feel pretty comfortable saying that I have a larger vocabulary than 70% of the people I interact with. Right now it doesn't show so much because I've been stumbling over my words an absolute tonne lately. It’s mildly frustrating, but I just laugh at myself, because if you don’t know how to make fun of/laugh at silly things you do, you are going to be one sad panda.

               Looks wise I've always considered myself average to slightly above average looking, and I’m going to keep thinking that of myself until I’m like really old, so like 26 or something. Seriously though, thinking this about myself is super smart, it gives me enough confidence to be like, “Well I’m not BAD looking.” But keeps me from ever feeling overconfident about myself. Balance, perfect balance.

                              So far we have a competitive, stubborn, sarcastic and completely 100% average looking person. That all describes me pretty decently I suppose, but the one word I really think sums up my personality is reactive. I react to situations, I rarely initiate things, and unless I’m around a crowd I feel very very comfortable with. Generally though I find that reacting to things is the best way for me to go about stuff, I’ve always felt more comfortable with wingin things rather than taking time to carefully prepare a set plan for things. I just think I think well when I’m reacting. Take this blog challenge thing for instance, it gives me a topic, I react and write about it, EZ PZ.

               That about does it for me. Pretty good for Day 1. 

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