Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dropping them Truth Bombs.

               Three things you’d like to say to people.

               Ok, I’m going to address the three most important girls in my life with this.
               Samara, honestly you can just keep on doing what you are doing, like for real. You are showing significant growth as a person and I’m really proud of you. Scott’s one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met and I am super happy for you two. Maybe play a little less Sims though. Just for your sake. Otherwise keep being cool. Also the new hair it pretty good.
               Kim, you have got to get over your insecurities with boys. You are a kickass girl and people know it. Just because you have seen some people do things that make you question how you can trust a person doesn’t mean you get to hide the best parts of you from the world does it? Trust people. Get hurt. Learn from it. It’s good for you. I know I’ve told you this before, but I feel like I have to keep telling you until you do it.
               Lysa, it makes me sad that I haven’t seen you since you’ve been back in town this holiday break. I’ve tried twice though to get a hold of you and I’ve felt somewhat blown off. That sucks. You are my best friend and I want nothing but the best for you. You occasionally have to put a little time in maintaining friendships though. If nothing else I’d really like to hash out some details about me coming up to Edmonton. I’d tell you this in person, but that’s proven to be difficult.

               I swear if any of you comment on this rather than talking to me about it, I’ll be disappoint. 

The all time great of truth bombs.

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