Tuesday, October 7, 2014

One of My Embarassing Moments

Well this ought to be a pretty easy post to write no? I mean the hardest part will surely be deciding which of the many embarrassing moments from my life to choose from. Just the other day even I managed to walk headfirst into a door on campus, that was awesome, really a superb display of grace and control. Anyone that has seen me play games like Just Dance/Wii Sports and such have also received a lot of first hand experience in me embarrassing myself. There is one thing that really sticks out in my mind though.

What my brain was saying, too bad I didn't listen. 
This is a story that some may have heard recently, but I don't think that they will mind hearing it again so soon. I was on a double date that my friend Brad had set up. The date had been going decently well I think. People seemed to be enjoying themselves and all was well and good until very late into the date. Then I goofed up. You see I am not that good with remembering names, and I had in fact forgotten the name of Brad's date. I had gotten by just fine the rest of the night by using general terms or addressing the entire group at once, but near the end I got cocky.

somewhere in the deep recess of my mind I had apparently remembered her name. I didn't even matter at this point since the date was practically over, and the smart thing to do would be to not take that risk, wait until Brad had dropped her off and then confirm with him, since the worst that could happen there would  be he laughs at what an idiot I am, but he already knows I'm an idiot so it doesn't matter.  I instead made the bold and idiotic choice and just asked her a simple question and addressing her with her name, Jessica. Suffice to say her name was not Jessica. Luckily for me no one got angry, rather everyone there burst out into hysterical laughter. At this point I have no real choice but to own up to my stupidity and own it. Apparently it's now a joke between us all that I just call her Jessica anyways. I'm not really all that fond of the joke to be honest, but as long as other people get a kick I guess I can keep reminding myself of what an idiot I am. It's Karma really. The moral of this story though is to laugh at your embarrassing moments and don't let them haunt you. While I might like it if everyone pretended it never happened, it's better that I do remember so I don't do it again. Hopefully... Also screw sliding doors man, those things are totally out to get us all! You have been warned!!! Peace buds.

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