Sunday, December 14, 2014

Over the past few months I must say that I've grown to dislike this blog challenge more and more. There have been a bunch of times where I'll have an idea for a blog post, but not write it simply because it wasn't part of the challenge and I was already so far behind I can't possibly justify not writing a post for the challenge. This led me to also feel a need to have truly great ideas for challenge posts since I had put other ideas on hold for them so they had to be "worth" it. All in all it led to me writing nothing and that sucks. So I want this thing to end, but I am stubbornly determined to see it through. What is a man to do? My answer is to take the remaining 15 topics and just give you the speed round answers. To give some sort of flavor variant to this I'll limit myself to 140 characters for each question. Basically if I can't tweet it I have to shorten it. lets go

#15 Popular notion society has wrong. 
The freind zone is a massively overused term that has people use to deal with rejection. 9/10 times shes just not into you. Deal.

#16 Where my name comes from
First I was ClanToll, then this blog Critical Canuck came along. 3 C's = TripleC shortened to TripGG. 

#17 Favorite movie. 
Slightly harder, usually I just say Episode 5 of Star Wars. However I'm going to go with Shawshank this time around. 

#18 What I would say to a 16 year old version of me.
Why are you so dumb? Could you just like stop for like 5 minutes? Yeah that'd be great.

#19 Death Row Meal
Big steak and peppercorn sauce, poutine with more meat on the side, ice cold cherry coke to drink. Potato skins and wings to open. No green. 

#20 My City
Edmonton is a cool place, I actually like the cold, plenty to do, public transport is nice, it is kinda far from like everything else on earth though.

#21 Three Fears
Not fulfilling potential I have. Becoming too jaded. The new Star Wars might suck.

#22 Nicknames
JJ, Jonny, Mr. JT, Papa Jon, Harry Potter, idk prob missed a few.

#23 Favourite Pizza
Homemade Pizza made by my own momma, can't beat it.

#24 What makes me Unique
Idk, I guess I'm more ok with making an idiot of myself than most people. Mostly cause I really don't care what people think.

#25 Perfect 1st Date
Prob home cooked meal at my/her place, then some activity where plenty of conversation can occur. Good conversation is very important.

#26 10 Random songs
Ok can't keep the 140 character thing here. 1. Bend and Break, Keane 2. Going to the Ceremony, Kid Cudi 3. Problem, Arianna Grande 4. Make the Money, Macklemore/Ryan Lewis 5. Bodysnatchers, Radiohead 6. Volcano, U2 7. Radioactive, Imagine Dragons. 8. Halo 3: One Final Effort, London Philarmonic Orchestra. 8. The Riders of Rohan, Howard Shore. 9. The Way I Am, Eminem. 10. B#$#%, don't kill my vibe, Kendrick Lamar. Nice.

#27 Drugs/alcohol
Don't do drugs kids, drinking and driving is bad. Don't be a moron.

#28 Process of writing
I look at the topic, take a rough idea and write a draft in my notebook and then type it up making minor revisions usually. Post when done.

#29 Being single
It's ok I guess. I'm pretty ok with it, but am ready to find a relationship. Not desperate enough yet to do anything silly.

#30 How'd the challenge go?
Awfully, see 1st paragraph.