Monday, November 26, 2012

I Don't Know Twilight and Why People are Stupid.

               Ok, so I debated a bit back and forth about whether I was going to write anything about this, and then someone involved with this did something I think to be so ridiculously stupid that I can no longer hold back. Just to preface or whatever. I also don’t apologize if I offend anyone because the one I’m likely to be meanest to put it on the internet and therefore I don’t feel bad in the slightest talking about it. If you put it up for the whole world to see then don’t be mad when they bloody well do.
               Love Triangles are just silly. Like regular ones that just occur because one girl (usually) attracts the attention of two boys who are somehow connected to each other like being friends, roommates, co-workers, or involved with an unending grudge match between mythical creatures if Twilight is to be believed. (That’s the initial connection between Jacob and Edward right? Doesn’t matter, anything to do with Twilight is irrelevant and silly.) Anyways, the point I was trying to get at, normal love triangles are silly, but tolerable. Entertaining mostly due to the fact that not all the parties involved really get what’s going on there. It’s fun to be on the outside and kind of laugh at the make bets between friends or whatever. It’s also ok because normally what happens is that one guy typically starts to just become the favourite. Normally you see one guy just simply pull ahead so to speak and the other guy backs down before it becomes too messy. This is normal. I think, don’t really know, just writing off the top of my head and that’s what seems reasonable.
               Now I’m saying this to emphasise how utterly ridiculous the love triangle I am currently observing is. I’ll start by saying what I think is “Standard” or normal about this (As far as love triangles go) First it is the ole’ two guys after one girl sort of thing. Lastly in my opinion it is already apparent who the better choice is, the whole favourite thing has already played out. That’s where the normal stuff ends.  
               What’s ridiculous about all this?

 One: Twilight references were immediately made therefore it is silly.

 Two: Obvious reasons for trust to be an issue make everything irrelevant. If basic trust cannot be established then it’s simply impossible to establish a healthy relationship. Also if trust is still there despite solid evidence that it shouldn’t then a person is in unreasonable denial and shouldn’t be considered reasonably able to make any sort of smart decision.  This can go either way and it does.
Three: Equal opportunity employment, sort of. When a girl realizes she has to make a decision between two guys this is what she should do. She first needs to ask herself if she has already made the decision in her mind and if she has then just go with that. If she hasn’t made a decision then she needs to give both guys reasonable opportunity to present their cases as to why they should be the one chosen. The most common reason for this to not happen is when one of the guys is the best friend. If you are the best friend and you know that something like this is happening be a good sport and let the other guy have his chance too. It seems stupid, but do you really want the girl if you have to deal with the constant thought that you only got her because you had an unequal opportunity? Maybe you would’ve got her anyway, but you’ll never know and that thought will stay with you as long as that girl is in your life.
               Ok before I go on I have to say this, I’m watching LOTR right now because the Hobbit is like 2.5 weeks away and I’m starting up the massive hype train for this event and if you look at Liv Tyler’s eyes at 1:08:00 and on in Fellowship of the Ring, you’ll notice that her eyes are like super dilated. Like the pupils are massive.
               Fourth: As I stated at the beginning, the reason I feel ok with writing this is because it was put up on the internet. As I always say, “If you’re going to do something stupid, don’t put it on the internet.” It still blows my freaking mind that this made it all the way to Facebook. Then again maybe not. Maybe people are caught up in all the drama and are actually enjoying all the attention it brings to them and are milking it. Maybe this is leading to the inevitable major emotional trauma for one guy. Maybe I think that’s just uncool. Maybe I think this whole situation is actually pants on head retarded. Maybe.
               To sum everything up, I am currently observing a love triangle that has grown incredibly old to me very quickly, because the reasoning and decision making of the people involved is equal to JYP’s Protoss versus Terran. For all of those who aren’t familiar with pro StarCraft that’s terrible. JYP used to have a 10% win rate in the match up. 10% as a paid pro. Unacceptable. The decision making with this love triangle is equally disappointing. I think the whole thing just needs to end. Frankly I don’t really think anyone should end up with anyone either, they’ve all acted like such idiots towards each other that none of them should want the other, but they do and in the end two people are going to be very happy and one person is going to be pissed off, and it’s prob gonna be the guy I’m rooting for. It’s all just plain silly. 

This is what I think about this now. Have fun destroying each other emotionally.

                    Last minute edit: I don't actually have any real negative feelings towards any of the people involved, I like them all as individuals, but recent decisions have been terrible in my opinion and this is my way of avoiding the situation of me blowing up in all of their faces about it and letting them sort this out for themselves the way it aught to be.

Source for pic: The Escapist

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Peeps and Poor Flow

I got something I want to talk about but first a couple of things, remember that girl that rejected me on a date? We’re still friends, and I’m gonna give myself the credit on this one because after a solid week of zero contact I decided to be the one who “Re-breaks” the ice. Literally only took one text saying, “what’s up?” to set things straight there. This is a good thing. I mean, it would have sucked if I had in one swift move made it a weird awkward experience just to go see two of my best friends because their roommate was that girl who just wanted to be friends. Mostly because it would mean that I have no more maturity then the average high schooler and that is just not ok. It’s also good because I get to keep Kinna as a friend. (The girl who rejected me.)

               If only The girl who rejected me wasn't a pain to write, then I could use it as a permanent reference to her and it would be funny, maybe. Acronym? TGWRM. No still looks weird and doesn't flow off the tongue. Guess I’ll just keep using names. Boring. Also I realize that in my last post I purposely didn't use her name, but I didn’t really say anything that bad about her so whatever.

               Next up there’s Scott. Scott is the boyfriend to one of my best friends. Scott didn't get a very good start with me due to the fact that his younger brother and I did not get along in High School. I severely dislike his brother because he screwed over a friend of mine. Not really relevant why I dislike him though. We’re here to talk about Scott, so I wasn't a fan at first. Then I actually got the chance to talk to him a bit. He’s a cool dude, very smart and uses logic and reason. I’m sold, I know it really doesn't matter all that much whether or not I approve of him and such, but I have this feeling of obligation to the two Lybbert girls in my life to insure that the men that the marry are the absolute best the world has to offer them. I owe them that much. So it’s important to me that Scott is awesome. Yeah, words and things.

               You know what? This is enough to justify being its own post! Awesome, I’ll just write the thing I wanted to and put it up tomorrow and then I’ll feel slightly less terrible about being so inconsistent about writing these! Whoo!

 After a 5 min scouring of Facebook picture, this is the most normal one I could find with either Samara or Lysa. Kinda Sad. But Awesome.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Updates and Rants!

Life update! Not a whole lot going on right now except for one thing, and that’s all I really want to talk about right now, I just need to vent it out of my system before I do something regrettable. Hopefully I don’t do that right here, but here goes.

I like a girl. Hold on, I have to change my music right now, Metallica is just not helping me stay objective here and I need that right now. Where was I? Oh right a girl. I like this girl, and for the sake of time I’m not going to go about and describe her. I asked this girl on a date, mostly because we’ve hung out a fair amount I thought that things were going well. She said she had to check with her roommate about some plans but would get back to me, that is fine.

Fast forward several hours and I receive a text message from her with two purposes. One was to
“make sure we’re on the same page with our friendship” If anyone doesn’t immediately get this, it means I was being friend zoned. Second was to tell me that she would not be able to make a date, shocker! So I asked a girl on a date for the first time in years and it blew up in my face. Big deal. I decided to take a risk in my life by doing something I didn’t know for sure would work out and it didn’t, that is the way things go right? I’m just going to vent for a bit about what I think about all this.

What on earth makes a girl think that dating causes so much drama and awkwardness? If you have two rational and intelligent people both of those things are so easily avoidable that it seems silly that so many girls use this as a main point for why they should not date a guy but rather, “Just be friends” It’s seriously bogus. I mean, I’m not going to lie, 2 of my best friends are an ex-girlfriend and someone I asked out but got rejected. You know how awkward things are between us with regards to talking about dating and whatnot? Not at all. Why? Because despite the fact that I was in high school, I and all parties involved acted like bloody adults about it. Maybe that’s what I’m missing here. Getting past these high school ideologies requires a major shift in the ways that people perceive and understand their world. Maybe not everyone makes that transition as fast as I would think.
               That would make sense generally. In this specific case though I can confirm that this individual displayed maturity far beyond a high school mentality. So where does that leave us? Maybe the maturity I saw was but a brief glimpse, when in reality the mind was still rooted in high school. This is the most likely reasoning. Another is fear. Fear of several things, an obvious one being the fear of what CAN happen when you trust another person and emotionally invest in them. Another fear is that if you spend your time on one person you might miss “The One.” This is just so bad though. I mean don’t people remember that general authorities of the church have said straight up that there is no such thing as a “Soul Mate”? Yes they have. Fear of what others might think of your relationship and how that could affect all of your other relationships. Fear of finding out the person you’re investing in could turn out to not be what you thought they were. Lastly there is the fear of losing that person as a friend if the relationship goes south, but as I stated before, intelligent, level headed people can avoid this one so easily that its silly to even mention it, however it is my belief that this one is the one that plays the biggest factor in most girls minds. It’s probably why if I name all my best friends the overwhelming majority are girls. (Dillon being the only guy to make that list if you’re wondering, also if you are reading this, you are also on that list. Hope that makes your day.)
               Ok, I feel better now. Thanks for reading and whatnot.

               Closing thought. Sometimes I wish things were simpler like in Calvin and Hobbes, those two had each other and they didn’t need anything or anyone else. At the same time though, I like all the confusion and chaos that engulfs my life now, makes things interesting. 

Still... This would be nice

Source for Pic: Google