those of you that did not partake in the spectacle of the League of Legends
world finals than you missed out on well… A bit of a stomp to be frank. SK Telecom T1 ran right through China’s Royal
Club in a convincing 3-0 fashion. While I had previously predicted a 3-1
victory by SKT I was quite surprised with the total sweep. One of the funny
things about SKT is that they almost always lose the first 1-2 games in a best
of X series. For whatever reason something happened on Friday night though,
that allowed them to overcome that and crush on through. I will contribute a
huge part of SKT victory to their Picks/Bans phase of the game, or maybe to
Royal’s mistakes in the same phase. There was a \ key error and a smart decision
in champ select that I want to talk about myself.
first of these was ignoring Jax completely by Royal Club. I wouldn't criticize
if they let it through in game one and then banned it out because of what a
problem it caused. If they had let it
through twice and tried to counter it in game 2 I wouldn’t be upset. However,
they let it through in all three games and Impact made himself known on the
Grand master of Arms. (Jax) Malphite in game one would've had to get way in
front of the Jax in order to stop the split pushing threat it created, although
I applaud them for trying at least. The rumble pick in game two was only marginally
better. Royal Club known with a Rumble in lane that Jax wouldn't immediately
become a monster, but like the rest of
the picks in game 2 it resigned itself to losing lane overall. Game 3 fell somewhat
into the same boat as the first, a curious choice to lane a Kennan against the
Jax, but smart rotations from SKT saw that game end by 20 minutes, which is
about as fast as you can win a game of League.
smart decision from SKT was the consistent bans on Renekton and Annie. Not only
are both these champions comfort picks for Royal Club, but both of them also
fit into Royal Club’s fighting and dive oriented style of play. Removing the
nigh invincible tank Renekton forced royal away from having a consistent tank
that could really initiate a dive under the tower, while keeping Annie away
from shot caller Tabe forced him to pick Sona in every single game, which
allowed SKT to anticipate the pick and counter it in lane, thus making it very
difficult for Sona to be effective.
So yes,
the finals were a stomp, guess what? It happens sometimes. Some teams just show
up much more prepared and hungrier for a championship than others. It happens.
Stop complaining to Riot about it, it’s not like they wanted a stomp either. Close
series bring in more viewers, fact. Congrats to SK Telecom Team One regardless.
Look at them in their nerdy glory! |
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