Friday, January 18, 2013

Confession bear. Except you won't hate it. Maybe.

Three Confessions.
               Ok so confessions kinda has this negative connotation so this is going to be a “Things you may not know about me”
               The person I trust the most on this planet is my ex. Yep. Despite all the insanity that surrounds her, the ludicrous immaturity that is sometimes apparent I trust Tannis Wilde above all other people I know with information. At first thought I can’t figure out why exactly. Actually I think that it’s just the way we interact with each other. We both understand very well what our friendship is and that allows us to be absolutely comfortable around each other. Yeah, that’s it. Plus she can go from being a 13 year old boy in maturity to a mature adult in an instant. I can trust that when she needs to be, she’ll be mature. I have faith in her.
               I have the best friend on the entire world. Literally. Like she’s a total baller. Her name is Lysa. She’s super clutch. When I say that I mean that when the chips are down I know that this girl will come through. It’s bittersweet when I think about when I first started hanging out with her, because I knew this girl for years and never really paid her any attention. Stupid me. Luckily the cards were in my favour and I was more formally introduced in high school. When I say that I mean that we developed mutual friends and started hanging out with her. Oh the fates. This isn’t really going anywhere and I’m kinda ranting. The point is that Lysa is awesome. She treats me twice as well as I deserve and don’t treat her half as well as she deserves. I’ll work on that or something. Once again, baller. (boo-do-chick-do-do baller!)
               I’m lonely. Oh man, he’s not about to go all dark and emo’y is he? Yeah a little bit. I haven’t had a girlfriend in years and I’m so so so so sick of it. I’m so done with being alone. I want to date, but I really don’t feel like I know how to do it right now. Also I have these like ridiculous standards set for girls I would potentially date. I think I’m too picky, I should work on that. Yeah I’m really tired of being single though, especially since none of my friends seem to have any problems getting dates/ maintaining relationships and it’s absolutely infuriating. I want to get angry at them, but I know that it isn’t their fault and those sort of factors are totally out of my control, and if you really can’t control it, whats the point of getting upset. I state that there is not a point. So don’t. That’s why I don’t get frustrated about how easy dating seems to come to people around me when I struggle with it an absolute ton.
               Well that happened. Let’s have a nice picture to brighten things up and make me feel good.  
This is a screenshot of the new Sim City game. Man am I gonna play this a lot. It's gonna be friggen awesome.


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